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Do Hotels allow Unmarried Couples?

Within the world of travel, there are many rules and regulations that one must abide by. With the advent of technology, how people travel has changed, which has resulted in many people coming across situations that may not have been so common in the past. One such issue that has arisen is the issue of unmarried couples, specifically unmarried couples that are in committed relationships. This blog is all about answering the question "Do hotels allow unmarried couples?"

Do Hotels allow Unmarried Couples?

Do Hotels allow Unmarried Couples? Within the world of travel, there are many rules and regulations that one must abide by. With the advent of technology, how people travel has changed, which has resulted in many people coming across situations that may not have been so common in the past. One such issue that has arisen is the issue of unmarried couples, specifically unmarried couples that are in committed relationships. This blog is all about answering the question “Do hotels allow unmarried couples?”

Do Hotels allow Unmarried Couples?

Do Hotels allow Unmarried Couples?

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Is it Legal to stay In Hotel For Unmarried Couples?

There are several reasons to understand and to stay in a hotel for unmarried couples which are If the couple who is staying in the Hotel is above the age of 18 years then it is legal to stay in a Hotel. There is a Kind of lease Agreement that Tales place between the Hotel and the Unmarried Couple who will be giving the rent to stay in the Hotel. Thus as the couple is paying the rent for 1 Day to that Private Property then it is a Kind of Lease Agreement that takes place between the Hotel Owner and the Couple who Paid the Rent.

Thus that Room becomes the Private Property of that couple for one day. While if the couple is Major, which means they are having the age of 18 years and above then it is legally valid for them to stay in the Hotel. While now In India Living Relationship has been made legal by the Government which means they can freely live in a Living relationship, hence it is purely Valid for the Couple to Live in Hotels.

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Can Police Arrest them?

Do Hotels allow Unmarried Couples?

Do Hotels allow Unmarried Couples?

Firstly there are two Circumstances to look after, No Police can’t arrest you if you are clear on your side, after entering the Hotel, when you ask the Reception that you Want one Room then they will ask for your ID which is the Identification Proofs and later they will also ask about your Relationship between each other, so in this case, you have to be clear that If you are friends then Clearly tell them that you are Friends and if you are working together then tell them that you are Colleagues so there will be no issue at all.

While in the other case if the Police come and knock at your Door then the first thing to do is not to Panic at all, as they will ask questions like what is your name and what is the Relationship between both of you then one should try to hide our True Identify and thus instead give them the Right Information that We are so and so and we have already give our Identity Proof and our relationship with each other had been mentioned in the Registrar of the Hotel reception.

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But if you try to Hide your True Identity then the Police have the Full right to arrest you under Section 42 CRPC. Then still the police arrests you the Police can Put a charge of Prostitution on the Couple and according to Section 151 CRPC, the Police can charge you with Not maintaining Peace in the Town. Then one has to not Panic at all and thus should tell the Police that Firstly we are Major which means we are above the age of 18 Years and we have already given Our Details and Identification Proof to the Reception.

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Thus you can take legal against Police by applying the charge of 166 IPC or I66a IPC for Not giving Respect and Not Behaving properly with your Female Friend. So thus one should charge a Complaint against them and should tell them that even the Supreme Court has permitted them to be  in a Living Relationship and thus one can charge a File against them by taking the Help of the Section

How to claim Compensation?

As if one gets Arrest if one is true then one can claim Compensation as a lot of time has been going due to illegal arrests of yours due to the Police then you can File Writ In High Court or the Supreme Court and you can take the help of article 26 Under Supreme Court. And you can Writ the File of Habeas Corpus thus you are liable for getting the Compensation from the State.

So if you are not telling your name properly and thus trying to hide your identity and relationship with each other then definitely you’re giving the Power to the police to arrest you and thus they will arrest you under the Section 42 CRPC. And thus without any power of the Magistrate, they can arrest you for not maintaining the Peace of the Town.

And if the Couple is Innocent and has done things legally then the couple can charge the complaint against the police under Section 166 and 166A IPC which means that if any Government Servant is not carrying out his or her duty in a Proper way then that servant is liable of the Imprisonment and the Fine or even Both.

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If By Chance Police arrest One, then What to do?

So if one Properly follows the above rules then no need to be afraid of the Police and just be Rigid in your Opinion and thus you can even charge a Complaint against them for their ill behavior.


We hope you enjoyed our article on whether hotels allow unmarried couples. We hope that you found it helpful. If you would like more information on many topics relating to hotel information, please visit our website. We hope you enjoyed our blog on the topic of hotel accommodations for unmarried couples. As you may know, single people can often struggle to find a hotel that allows unmarried couples to stay together.

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