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What happened at the Watergate hotel?

What happened at the Watergate hotel?

What happened at the Watergate hotel?

What happened at the Watergate hotel? – Anybody who knows about the events that took place at the Watergate hotel in Washington D.C. knows how much of an impact it had on American history. This made it the perfect subject for a blog post. This blog provides a brief history of the actions that took place at the Watergate hotel.

What happened at the Watergate hotel?

What happened at the Watergate hotel?

So many people have heard about what happened at the hotel, but few know what happened. In this blog, we aim to give you background information. Watergate Hotel was the site of what was originally referred to as a burglary but was later revealed to be a political scandal. Watergate Hotel was the site of the 1972 break-in into the Democratic National Committee headquarters by five men from the Nixon administration.

It was the year 1972 when America’s political situation was not good at all as America was involved in the Vietnam war and thus had lost against Vietnam and thus there was a lot of frustration among the people of America as such a powerful country is losing against America.

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What happened at the Watergate hotel?

What happened at the Watergate hotel?

Thus this situation was very bad from the political point of view and thus at that time the president of America was Richard Nixon and thus at that time, he decided to carry out a re-election and thus was trying hard to win that election.

So Richard Nixon decided to carry out such activities which were illegal and thus one day told the four people who were working for Richard Nixon for their Re-election, Richard told them to steal the Top secret documents from the Democratic National Committee, as Richard was against this Committee and this Committee was the Opposite Committee for the Re-election of Richard.

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Thus Richard Told them to steal some Top secret Documents and to carry out the telephone Bugging. So for the First time that four people didn’t do the work in the Right way thus the wire trapping was not done properly, so again on 17th June that four people again went and did the wire trapping, but this time they were caught by the police.

Thus all these things were carried in the complex named Watergate and thus is called the Watergate Scandal.

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What was the Watergate Scandal About?

Between the years 1972 and late 1973 there was a series of mysterious meetings in an underground Car Park in Washington D.C between the Washington Post Journalist Robert Bob Woodward and a mysterious anonymous Informant who went by the name Deep throat. He made a revelation that a Recent break In at the Democratic Party Headquarters at the nearby Watergate Hotel and the Office Building.

What happened at the Watergate hotel?

What happened at the Watergate hotel?

It was not just the burglary but in fact, was politically motivated. As wars came when it was further revealed that the people behind the break-in were backed by none other than the white house administration of the time led by president Richard Nixon.

As his motive was to collect information and place telephone bugging devices in the democratic headquarters that could prove useful to him in his re-election Campaign.

Thus on 17th June when the Scandal was out the four people who were working for Nixon were not directly connected to Nixon. And later Nixon also told everyone by taking his swear that he Is not connected with this Scandal by any means. Thus people believed in him and he later won the Election and became the President Again.

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But later it was disclosed that Richard had given money to those Four people. And later the investigation was carried out by the agency named FBI and Richard was making misused his powers by telling the CIA association which was close to him, by telling them to interfere in the FBI.

So journalists named Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein started investigating the Matter. But one insider named Deep Throat was giving all the information to these both journalists. Later lawyers were hired for this matter. Thus a lot of pressure was put on Richard as many people resigned from their Posts, so due to lots of pressure, Richard released some of the Tapes.

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What happened at the Watergate hotel?

What happened at the Watergate hotel?

Thus on 5th August 1974, Richard released his Tapes, and finally, on 8th August he gave his resignation in Disgrace. Later Gerald Ford took over as the President and thus later he removed all the charges of Richard Nixon. But Richard has never officially released about his Mistake.

So this whole incident is also covered in a Book written by two Journalists who were the main heroes behind this Scandal.

Why did the Scandal Kick Nixon out of office?

As the Scandal which took place in the year 1973 was carried out by Richard Nixon but he never officially revealed the Scandal. And thus he resigned from his presidential position. As he misused his powers of being a president and thus told the creep organization that was working for his re-election to bring the secret documents and also to record the telephones from the office of the opposing party of  Richard Nixon.

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Why did the Scandal Kick Nixon out of office?

Why did the Scandal Kick Nixon out of office?

And finally, the tapes were released, as he gave the tapes out of pressure and as everyone was resigning from their respective positions and finally released all the tapes out of frustration.


We hope you enjoyed our blog post about what happened at the Watergate hotel and what was the main reason behind it. We know that it’s difficult to keep up with the news, but we’ve done our best to provide a summary of the Watergate hotel scandal. If you enjoyed our blog post, please share it with your friends and family in the hope that they will enjoy it too!

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